Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My May Day ....

Saturday morning I got to the shop a bit earlier then usual to find a timeless greeting hanging from the front door knob of the shop. It stopped me in my tracks and then I smiled knowing exactly who it had come from.
A May Day basket is a .... simple gesture of "Hello," or "I love you"...."I'm thinking of you!" This tradition of greeting Spring, adorning someones door knob, and passing on good wishes is a fleeting art. Growing up I remember my great Aunt lived next door to us and every May Day I made a construction paper basket, and then race home to fill it from Mothers rockery now blooming with endless color. Forget Me Nots, Scillia, and Basket of Gold would fill the flimsy paper basket now drooping with wet stems. I'd race thru the garden gate and sneak towards Auntie Cecil's door. Sliding back her screen door I would proudly hang this funny little basket of love on her door.
Saturday, as the day went on, several customers who I have come to know from the shop entered bearing small gift from their gardens or sharing seeds of joy. "Love in a mist" seeds and "sweet pea" seeds accompanied warm thoughts of kindness. And if you think you missed it?.... Think again. You still have time to adorn and surprise an unsuspecting friend or neighbors door with flowers and thoughts of Spring.....and Oh, by the way! Thank you Joannie the Weed Lady for the May Day Basket!

1 comment:

  1. Love this...I always send my mom a May Day basket...but this year I had her in my own garden for the day!
