I hit this great estate sale last weekend and found this wonderful young lady standing on the grass. I had received a tip from a great customer and friend of Bountiful Home, so I hurried to the address and found a treasure. Elegant and stately, this dress form from the 1920's has everything going right for it. Her gears that moved the bodies form worked.... her metal skirt was working and her cloth covered body was well aged but lovely. Cloaked in a bit of rust, she sparkled!! I had to have her. Among some other goodies, she rode back to the shop in my truck, then proudly perched in the entryway, greeting customers with delight and surprise. I felt like she'd be a great addition to the shop for the coming seasons. Then only a day later this beauty found a new home. Loading her into the car, I told the new owner that I had named her Cozette, a fitting French girls name. So thanks for the visit Cozette, It was nice to meet you!